My boyfriend asked me the other day how I would like to raise our kids (that is, when we have some) religion-wise.I told him that since I’m Catholic, it’s natural that I’d want to introduce them to Catholicism. I’m going to be honest here and say that I would love for them to form a love of God. But I’d also want them to be able to have their own opinions, and not be ashamed to question things (for I question things about my own religion myself). I really wouldn’t want to force them towar...
Jesus sure is popular with the media these days. First, I see a report about Jesus Papers author (and Holy Blood, Holy Grail author) Michael Baigent and his theory that Jesus did not die on the cross. Then I learn about scientists saying that Jesus may not have walked on water, but instead may have been walking on a hard-to-see sheet of ice beneath the Sea of Galilee. Finally, I catch a preview tonight of the National Geographic special on the Book of Judas--coptic writings found that may ...