I am somewhat divided about this immigration reform. I understand the government's economic concerns about illegal immigrants and their concern for national security. I do believe that immigrants who want to live here should do what they need to do to stay here legally. But I also believe that they come up here for opportunity and a better life, just like many of our ancestors did...and they work their asses off here in laborious jobs that many Americans turn their noses up to (but I'm not going farther...that is another stance and not the point of this article).
Actually, my main beef with this immigration reform deals with them dragging the church into this. The following is part of an article the Christian Science monitor published (by Daniel B. Wood)
***"America's faith communities are keeping careful watch as Congress wrangles over border security - a process expected to yield the most dramatic changes in immigration policy since the 1980s - and many religious leaders are not liking what they see so far.
Increasingly, they are making their presence felt on Capitol Hill, where the Senate is now drafting its version of immigration reform. In their own churches, synagogues, and mosques, many leaders are striking a defiant pose toward an immigration bill the US House has already approved.
At stake is the moral high ground on immigration. The religious leaders see new border-tightening moves as intruding on their obligation to care for strangers - no questions asked. Those who argue the other side, that immigration must be curtailed and the border secured, also couch their position in moral terms, saying it is unprincipled to aid and abet those who have entered the US illegally.
A key sticking point: part of the House measure that would force any individual, including church workers, to see documentation before giving help to immigrants, or risk imprisonment.
"It is none of the government's business who and how religious people serve," says Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, president of Interfaith Alliance, which represents 70 faith traditions. "Would the US Congress have told the Good Samaritan not to help a stranger in the ditch?"***
hmmm....I thought Church was supposed to be separated from state...or am I missing something here.