Hope you enjoy my little bits of this and that. :) I can't promise they'll always be interesting. :)
InBloom's Articles In Health & Medicine
October 28, 2005 by InBloom
The Bird Flu: Our Plan of Defense for the H5N1 virus You can’t escape this story; it’s all over the papers and news channels: The Bird Flu...The Pandemic waiting to happen...the virus we are not ready for...the Worst thing we’ve seen since since the Spanish Flu of 1918...Call me a paranoid worry-wart (yeah, yeah, I’ll admit, I do tend to be one sometimes), but it’s pretty scary stuff to me...The latest I have read has the Roche company (makers of Tamiflu, seen as the best defense agains...
September 29, 2007 by InBloom
(In case you haven't heard) I just read an article this morning that Japanese scientists have created the world's first see-through, four legged creature: a transparent frog. APF/HO Photo Article: Link The reasoning behind it? So that organs, blood vessels, etc., can be seen without the need for dissection. Hmmm...where was this frog when I was in my 7th Grade Life Sciences class (and is a see through guinea pig in the works as well)? What an amazing, yet weird, creatio...