I sit here and sometimes shake my head at all the heated discussions on JoeUser.
I have seen how good ‘ol differences of opinion have turned into “I am better than/smarter than/ more important than-you” spewing matches. I have seen hurt feelings and broken friendships. I have seen battles that to this day have not ended. Sometimes I find it funny... sometimes I find it sad.
I wonder how much better we might get along if we saw a different side of each other. I think too many times we get so stuck on our own views,thoughts, and opinions that we forget that there IS another side to something or someone. Our own experiences are not the “be all, end all” of something.
What if we gave ourselves the open-mindedness and opportunity to get to know one another?
I’m not talking about the much discussed JoeUser get-together somewhere in the country (although it would be a wonderful thing if it happened). I am talking about the possibility of good ol “enemies” getting together on the phone and having a real conversation; I am talking about wandering the forums more to get to know another side of a blogger. I am talking of letting others get to know you. I am speaking of swallowing your pride and taking that first step towards mending a rift (I saw Gideon did that today; good for him). I am speaking of putting prejudices aside and actually listening to another side of a story or issue.
People here are not one dimensional. We shouldn’t be quick to assume things about them (and this is something I am learning a lesson on in real life, but, well, that is another blog). For example, we can’t assume that Ziggy and Marcie are “high and mighty” teachers, and that’s all there is to them. They are a real life couple...there is so much more to them. We can’t assume that Little_Whip is a “troublemaker”...there are many other facets to her personality. We shouldn’t make generalizations about groups of people, either. Not all Republicans are bad, bad people; Not all Liberals are stupid. Not all teachers ride on high horses. Not all parents are uncooperative in the classroom. You get my drift? (and I hope you don’t mind me using your names on here, folks).
I’m being realistic here, fellow bloggers. I don’t expect you to censor your views. And I don’t expect you to be buddies with people you don’t care for. I do,however, ask that you remind yourselves that you are communicating with a multi-faceted person on the other side of the screen. One issue, one opinion, one argument does not define any of us. We go well beyond a topic, a forum post, or a blogging web site.
We should take notes from those here who have made the transition from fellow bloggers to real life friends or acquaintances. I do not want to speak for them, but I am sure the nickname they got to know on JoeUser does not even hold a candle to the person they now know on a personal level. We should all give each that same opportunity sometime.