Hope you enjoy my little bits of this and that. :) I can't promise they'll always be interesting. :)
and writing a letter to the editor...
Published on September 7, 2005 By InBloom In Misc
I have finally memorized my students’ names....all 106 of ‘em.

This year, instead of teaching all subjects to one class, I am teaching one subject to all classes. In order to meet our state, district, and school objectives, our grade level departmentalized and I became the Math Teacher. I have to admit it has its downsides: there are hundreds of papers to grade, the schedule is fast paced, and the time we have with them (1 hour 15 min for each of the four classes) never seems to be enough.

But on the upside, I have been given the opportunity to get to know 100 plus students with a variety of lives,personalities, and learning styles. Some students that stand out are “M”, who, despite a really bad stutter, has a lot of confidence in himself, which I find very admirable. There is also “H”, who tries to pass himself off as a waayyy cool boy, but is very nerdy at heart. I have another boy, “C”, who is caught in a custody battle, and is doing the best he can at school despite all this bitterness in his life. I also enjoy having “J and J” for one of my classes; they are two wonderful, respectful, and intelligent girls who give 100 percent every time they walk into my room...they are such good role models for their fellow classmates. I could name so many more: class clowns, smart alecks, athletes, bookworms, gifted ones, cute-as-a-button ones... but I think I’ll run out of room here. Maybe I’ll leave them for some of my other articles.

Anyway, aside from being worn out, overwhelmed with paperwork, and a bit dizzy with the quick moving pace of my work day, I am enjoying my school year overall thus far...I really am.

On a side note, some JERK wrote a letter to our local paper’s editor saying teachers in my district didn’t deserve a pay raise. He ranted on about us not doing as good as we should have on test scores and questioned why we should be given more money...I was so PiSSed, I shakily wrote a letter to the editor of our local paper to put him in his place...and It got Published on Friday!! I hope the moron read it.

I wanna try to put a link to it if it’s still there ( from el paso times.com)...in the meanwhile, here it is as it was published:

This is in response to Javier Garcia’s letter on August 22 regarding poor teaching in Ysleta schools. Mr. Garcia, how long has it been since you have witnessed teaching in a classroom? If you think the TAKS is merely about basic reading and writing, then I’d say it’s been decades. I invite you to take a look at the TAKS objectives on Ysleta’s web site. Many are very difficult to teach. But you know
what , these teachers rise up to the challenge, and do their darned best to get their students to succeed.

Furthermore, teaching goes beyond a standardized test and state rating. Teachers serve as role models, counselors, and confidantes; they work unpaid overtime, often buy classroom materials at their own expense, spend countless hours doing lesson plans, attending professional developments, and using personal time to make themselves better teachers. To say we do not deserve a pay raise shows much ignorance on your part. Educate yourself on the facts, sir, unless you need us to teach them to you. We’d be glad to.

on Sep 07, 2005
Educate yourself on the facts, sir, unless you need us to teach them to you. We’d be glad to.
My brother is a teacher and puts more time forth for his job than any other worker that I know. He's not content just to wave goodbye at the school buses pulling away, but is in charge of two sporting groups, organizes overnight camping trips and summer science camps, with the majority of his afterschool time unpaid. And while people come down on him all the time because they disagree with the way things are run and the rules he imposes for participation eligibility (good grades, acceptable attendance), he never gives up.

Cheers to both you and him!
on Sep 07, 2005
NickyG: ~My brother is a teacher...He's not content just to wave goodbye at the school buses pulling away, but is in charge of two sporting groups, organizes overnight camping trips and summer science camps, with the majority of his afterschool time unpaid. And while people come down on him all the time because they disagree with the way things are run and the rules he imposes for participation eligibility (good grades, acceptable attendance), he never gives up. ~

Sounds like a very dedicated professional to me!
on Sep 07, 2005
Canadians (and perhaps Americans too) undervalue their teachers. In Budapest, birthplace to some of the world's greatest mathematicians, including Erdos, they name many of their streets not only after those mathematicians, but after their teachers.
on Sep 07, 2005
Ahh..the excitement of school. Today was my first day...what an experience. Anyways, it sounds like you have a good group of kids...or at least, entertaining ones.

Here's to having a good school year!

P.S. Mr. Garcia sounds like he has no idea what he's talking about.
on Sep 07, 2005
~Canadians (and perhaps Americans too) undervalue their teachers.~

I have indeed met people who don't think much of teachers...they look at it as a lowly profession with a matching lowly salary.

However, I also do know lots of people who respect, and even admire the fact that I work with children...I love my job...it is tough and doesn't pay enough...but it is extremely rewarding in so many ways. This is my Sixth year teaching...and I look forward to many more.

~Ahh..the excitement of school. Today was my first day...what an experience. Anyways, it sounds like you have a good group of kids...or at least, entertaining ones. Here's to having a good school year!
P.S. Mr. Garcia sounds like he has no idea what he's talking about. ~

Great article I read about your first day, Alison...I can completely relate to the exhaustion part...sometimes I come home and just want to take a nap (I am both physically and mentally worn out a lot of the times.)

As for Mr. Garcia, well, he's just ignorant...he doesn't have the slightest idea about what it takes to be a teacher.