Hope you enjoy my little bits of this and that. :) I can't promise they'll always be interesting. :)
Published on June 4, 2005 By InBloom In Misc
My boyfriend told me not too long ago that I am the Queen of overstating the obvious.
He laughs and says he can’t believe some of the things that come out of my mouth.

For example, we were at a restaurant once and he was downing bourbon street chicken. I say, “Do you like it?”,
and he sarcastically says, “No, I hate the stuff. I hate it so much, I’m scarfing it down.” (What a smart a**)...

Here are some other doozies:

“Are you sleepy?” (when someone is yawning).
“Is this your baby?” (when a pregnant co-worker hands me a sonogram photo).
“Are you ironing?” (as my sister holds an iron over her blouse).
“Did it hurt?” (after an acquaintance loudly bangs his knee against a table).
“Are you going to do laundry?” (as the boyfriend holds a basket full of clothes).

and the list goes on and on...

It’s funny how I don’t really notice I do this until someone points it out to me.

on Jun 04, 2005
At least you notice things, better to overstate the obvious then remain oblivious.
on Jun 05, 2005

~At least you notice things, better to overstate the obvious then remain oblivious.~

Very positive way of putting it...thanks danny.

on Jun 05, 2005
For what's it's worth, I think that's adorable, Inbloom.
on Jun 05, 2005
~For what's it's worth, I think that's adorable, Inbloom.~

awww, thanks...some ppl find it a bit frustrating lol
on Jun 05, 2005
I'm the same way! My most famous line is when I ask my husband, "are you asleep yet?" and he's either sawing logs or saying, "yes, yes I am."
on Jun 06, 2005
~I'm the same way! My most famous line is when I ask my husband, "are you asleep yet?" and he's either sawing logs or saying, "yes, yes I am."~

lol alison...It's nice to know I'm not the only one.