Oh, Joe, how I’ve neglected you...
You often fill me in on issues and rants, on joys and sorrows...
You let me into worlds I wouldn’t otherwise know.
You also sit here and let me vent...you let me express myself however I want...
You are there for me whenever I need you.
Yet here I am turning an ear away from you...
Here I am not opening up to you lately...
Here I am giving you excuses.
“I’m busy with this, Joe....occupied with that...I’ll get to you soon, Joe. Don’t you Worry.”
Sorry to disappoint you Joe, but when I find myself with more time,
I’ll sit back down, let you fill me in with what’s been going on,
and let you in on what’s been going on with me.
For starters, here is a Hi and a how are you, and a hope that you are doing well.
Take Care for now, dear friend Joe.