Hope you enjoy my little bits of this and that. :) I can't promise they'll always be interesting. :)
Published on March 9, 2008 By InBloom In Blogging

Give me a 5 Sentence Update on Your Life, fellow JoeUsers.   Why am I asking for 5 sentences? Well, I have been suffering from short attention span-itis lately, so 5 works for me...lol.

Here are mine:

I have been having some health troubles.  It might be GERD or gastritis...who the hell knows (might need to see a doc again). 

I now have an elliptical trainer that's up and running!  The question now is if I will use it regularly.  

I have a good class this year, but the stress of the standardized test has been getting to me (I need to slow down and relax a bit).

I also have been putting in extra hours at work, which has been adding a bit to the stress, but which will also be adding some extra income to our household.

I don't know what I would do without Chris...he's my stress relief, my comic relief, and so much more.


So, may I have an update on you?


Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 11, 2008
I'm looking for a job outside of the home - again. Send any positive vibes my way that I will be able to find a good job with benefits.

Best of Luck! For you and your husband's business!
on Mar 12, 2008
I really do hope you get to show us all the artiistic work you have had published...that would be cool.


This hasn't all been published but it's a peek at some of my creations.
on Mar 14, 2008


~~1) Ceasar, who is now a fully adult dog, has begun to challenge Frankie...the 'next up' in the pack. So far it's been bloodless, but I'll be much less nervous once they work it out.

2) In the past week or so, despite my negative attitude about the current state of JU, I have once again found myself humbled and impressed by the level of caring some of you have shown to me.

3) We got a gift certificate to Outback Steakhouse for Simon's birthday and finally used it last week. The food was wonderful, (i had the prime rib with a side of scallops, He had rack of lamb) and I tasted raw seafood for the first time, 'Seared Ahi Tuna,' which Simon chose as an appetizer. It may have been seared, but it was BLOODY raw and as fishy and disgusting as I had anticipated, hahah. Simon, on the other hand, loved it.

4) I am currently reading "Marley and Me, Life and Times With the World's Worst Dog" by Josh Grogan. I'd bought it for my dad for Christmas, and he sent it to me to read after he'd finished. I just finished 'The Grapes of Wrath' which I hadn't read since Jr High, and am warming up to finishing the second half of 'The Boomer Bible,' which was a gift from Ock.

5) Speaking of Ock (and Mari!)...I am very much looking forward to meeting the both of them while Ock's in Norfolk,(provided Simon doesn't accept a job elsewhere in the meantime) and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a concert aboard an aircraft carrier if it can be arranged!

Heh, that's 5 paragraphs instead of sentences, talk about overkill!

Oh well, here's # 6, I got a call from the doc today, my hand surgery (which is gonna take three hours, sheesh) is scheduled for April 8th.~~

That is awesome that you get to meet someone from JU...I hope you do get to attend that concert.   Yikes about your dogs, though.  I hope they start getting along soon. I've actually never read Grapes of Wrath (I have no idea why).  I did read Cannery Row, though...but it's been a long time. 

I really do hope you get through your surgery fine.  It sucks that your ailment is serious enough to require surgery, but glad it will get you better!






on Mar 14, 2008

Loca, I LOVED the Christmas ornaments you made.  They reminded of me of big M&Ms...lol. Hey, I'd happily buy Seasonal crafts from you.  I would actually like to hang a Spring wreath in my living room (is there such a thing)?   If you could make something like that...give me a price, and I'd buy (seriously).

Also, I thought the diaper cake was such a cool creation.

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