Hope you enjoy my little bits of this and that. :) I can't promise they'll always be interesting. :)
Published on March 9, 2008 By InBloom In Blogging

Give me a 5 Sentence Update on Your Life, fellow JoeUsers.   Why am I asking for 5 sentences? Well, I have been suffering from short attention span-itis lately, so 5 works for me...lol.

Here are mine:

I have been having some health troubles.  It might be GERD or gastritis...who the hell knows (might need to see a doc again). 

I now have an elliptical trainer that's up and running!  The question now is if I will use it regularly.  

I have a good class this year, but the stress of the standardized test has been getting to me (I need to slow down and relax a bit).

I also have been putting in extra hours at work, which has been adding a bit to the stress, but which will also be adding some extra income to our household.

I don't know what I would do without Chris...he's my stress relief, my comic relief, and so much more.


So, may I have an update on you?


Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 10, 2008

Work has been overwhelming!  But very rewarding.

The brass however, is a bunch of asses

My Son got straight As on his report card!

My wife has startd a new diet, so I guess that means I have too.

I miss the sun of California, it was a nice weekend away from work.

on Mar 10, 2008

It's great to see you all and hear what's going on!  Dev, good luck with the potty training, it was harder with our last child but she eventually got it so don't give up and be very patient!


As for me:

1) My son is doing much better in school, he's turned all his Fs (since his accident) to A's and Bs and a C! Yeah!  And his broken arm is a thing of the past!

2) My oldest girl is driving (oh boy!) but she's a careful driver so I'm not worried! (maybe just a teeny bit!) She's also doing so well in school, she's taking a full college course load and working full time! I'm very proud of her!

3) My Youngest is growing, she's all arms and legs right now and still fiercely independent!

4) My hubby is doing well, he's still smoking and I've resolved not nag him to quit because it will be up to him! (at least not too much nagging!lol!)

5) As for me, I'm doing alright, struggling with my weight loss but not giving up on me! I took a new course at work, doing something new!  More responsibilities but I'm ok with it! (now about that pay increase....LOL!not yet, but I'm greatful to be gainfully employed!)


on Mar 10, 2008

San Cho and ASaxyGirl,

Maybe I was rash in saying Babylon 5 was the best scifi show.  You are both right in stating Firefly is a brilliant show but there is only one season of it.  I've not seen much Farscape so I will have to reserve my judgement on that one.  There is also the superb new series of Battlestar Galactica too.  I can't choose one over the other.

I think we ALL felt that way,

Yes, we did.

on Mar 10, 2008

Okay my five update

I'm looking for a job outside of the home - again. Send any positive vibes my way that I will be able to find a good job with benefits.

My husband just got out of the Navy and is starting his own business. I'm kind of freaking about cash flow issues but I'm trying to be supportive.

Ack, this is harder than I thought. Basketball season is over so now we get a break from sports and activities for a little while.

I just finished reading Alibi Man by Tami Hoag. It's a great, page turning mystery. I like Tami Hoag because she hasn't yet become predictable like so many suspense writers seem prone to do after a few books.

I'm going to have something published in the April/May Stampers Sampler. I don't know what yet but I got the email so I'm excited. My goal is to be the guest artist for a future issue. I have been slacking on sending submissions because I am the worst procrastinator but I'm trying to get on the ball.

Oh and I wish I were in Spain. Specifically I would like to be lying on the beach on Ibiza um... with Fran Rivera. Ah now the fantasy is complete.

on Mar 10, 2008

One of the worst scifi programming travesties was canceling Firefly even before the first season was complete. It says much when one season can elevate a program to the "best" status over other shows that ran for more.

The fact the fans caused such a ruckus giving Joss the impetus to get 'Serenity' made was fabulous.  If I were forced to put my favourites in a list, I think I'd have to go Battlestar Galactica at one, Firefly at 2 and B5 at three.

on Mar 10, 2008
I can't wait until the new season of Battlestar Gallatica. I think it starts here at the beginning of April. I have seen seasons 1 and 2 on DVD. I'm hoping for a season 3 marathon before the new season. I'll have to check the scifi website.
on Mar 10, 2008

We have all three seasons of Battlestar Galactica on DVD.  I'd lend you Season 3 if you were living closer and in the same DVD region, but alas, you're not.  If you can get it and watch it, you will be blown away.  It really is up there with some of the best television I've ever seen, scifi or not.

We've just started getting into the first season of Jericho too.  So far, we're enjoying it immensely.

on Mar 10, 2008
Ever since I bought my new laptop, Call of Duty 4 and put the Internet, I have been playing online almost everyday looking to get away from my daily life.

I love my family very much, but I don't get even 10 minutes to myself (7 days a week)without my wife or kids constantly asking me something, needing me for something, fighting, arguing, playing loudly and making messes.

Things at work are ok, my only problem (which is only slightly bad) is that I work around mostly women (4 guys amongst 70 women) and anything I say is used against me and they tend to gang up on me.

I am doing better with my finances, before I wasn't even paying my bills or I was behind 2 or 3 months, now I am only a couple of weeks behind on my bills so I am making progress.

I could really use a vacation, actually go away for a few day, stay in a hotel and just enjoy not seeing anyone I know (besides my wife and kids), not knowing about work, not worrying about cooking, cleaning, fixing things; I just need to get away for a few days and I may consider using that "free money" the Gov't wants me to have(I seem to have incredible tolerance, patience and control not to lose my mind with the constant daily stress I endure, and I'm not even suffering from some kind of disease, physical impairment or age thank God).
on Mar 11, 2008

As Mari said, I'll be going to the Navy's Senior Musician's Course in August.  I'm of two minds about it, but the reason why is a bit detailed, so I'll spare you.  It was one of those things where I had to apply to be job competitive but I'd have been less than disappointed if I hadn't been selected.

Found out yesterday I made the Chief's board (again).  Every year we take a test.  Only some people do well enough to be considered for promotion.  I'm one of them.  The good of that is potentially more money if I'm promoted and the bad is that the selection results come out right when I'm starting the school in #1.  Selected Chiefs go through a bunch of initiation-like shenanigans prior to wearing the uniform of the new rank.  This means I'll be put in the uncomfortable position of having to tell them to stuff it - I have homework.

My chess game is coming along.  I'm usually involved in at least 4 different ongoing matches at any given time on chess.com.  It's a nice diversion that only takes up a lot of time if I let it.

Got a new guy in our rock band at work.  He's a perfect fit for the chemistry of the group...a good player, easy going, and has some vocal skills as well.

I got a kindle.  It's an overpriced e-book reader, but I got it because my friend Mark makes e-books for it which are free to me.  He also spends lots of time seeking out public domain stuff, and that saves me web surfing time.  I have about 300 books on it now.  It's a wonderful gadget.  Thanks, Mark.

on Mar 11, 2008


'Babylon Five' is probably the best science fiction television series ever made.So not true. Firefly, man, Firefly. THEN Babylon 5. 1. I'm in Spain!2. I'm studying Spanish literature (in Spain!)3. I have a heck of an update about my relationship with Hillary I need to finish writing and post (and that's from Spain!)4. I miss my family sometimes (because, you see, I'm in Spain . . . do you see a pattern here?)5. I'm glad to see some of the JU regulars that have been MIA for a while making appearances once again.


LoL...you sure are rubbing Spain in, aren't ya. Seriously, it's awesome that you are having the  time of your life there. Sigh...I want to go there.





So not true. Firefly, man, Firefly. THEN Babylon 5.Firefly, absolutely! But the it has to be Farscape, THEN Babylon 5. What I've been up to...1. I am going to Thailand in may with the Navy to participate in an exercise. This should be funny. Data crunching geek doing her thing in the wild about 250 Km south of Bangkok. 2. Steve has orders to the school of music! Woot! We're leaving Naples, Italy Baby! August 1st we're on a jet plane...Steve to Norfolk and me and the zoo to San Diego. The 9 months apart will be a pain but for the best. He's doing school and I'll be up to my eyeballs in thesis writing.3. I'm completing a series of Navy reserve drills to construct a manning database for the hospital. Call me the Excel and Access queen! 4. I've started the Beck Diet Solution to take care of the missing link with keeping my lost weight lost. I need a mental adjustment. I'll write an article about that a bit later.5. I'm headed to Brown University in April to retrieve the data for my bioinformatics project that leads to my thesis. It'll be so nice to be back in my old lab with the Professor and my crazy girlfriend, Juju.


Gosh, Asaxygirl, your life sounds like an adventure a minute.   How awesome to be able to travel.

You know, there was a time when I wanted to name my daughter "JuJu" (well, I don't have a daughter...but IF I did...). I always thought it was a cool name.

on Mar 11, 2008

Work has been overwhelming!  But very rewarding.
The brass however, is a bunch of asses
My Son got straight As on his report card!
My wife has startd a new diet, so I guess that means I have too.
I miss the sun of California, it was a nice weekend away from work.


Doc, here is hoping you get to go to the relaxing and sunny shores of California again. Woohoo on your son getting straight As.

on Mar 11, 2008


It's great to see you all and hear what's going on!  Dev, good luck with the potty training, it was harder with our last child but she eventually got it so don't give up and be very patient!
As for me:
1) My son is doing much better in school, he's turned all his Fs (since his accident) to A's and Bs and a C! Yeah!  And his broken arm is a thing of the past!
2) My oldest girl is driving (oh boy!) but she's a careful driver so I'm not worried! (maybe just a teeny bit!) She's also doing so well in school, she's taking a full college course load and working full time! I'm very proud of her!
3) My Youngest is growing, she's all arms and legs right now and still fiercely independent!
4) My hubby is doing well, he's still smoking and I've resolved not nag him to quit because it will be up to him! (at least not too much nagging!lol!)
5) As for me, I'm doing alright, struggling with my weight loss but not giving up on me! I took a new course at work, doing something new!  More responsibilities but I'm ok with it! (now about that pay increase....LOL!not yet, but I'm greatful to be gainfully employed!)


Donna, sounds like your babies are doing great.   Good for them.   You sound like you have your hands full at work...here is hoping you get a raise for all that hard work!

on Mar 11, 2008


Okay my five updateI'm looking for a job outside of the home - again. Send any positive vibes my way that I will be able to find a good job with benefits. My husband just got out of the Navy and is starting his own business. I'm kind of freaking about cash flow issues but I'm trying to be supportive. Ack, this is harder than I thought. Basketball season is over so now we get a break from sports and activities for a little while. I just finished reading Alibi Man by Tami Hoag. It's a great, page turning mystery. I like Tami Hoag because she hasn't yet become predictable like so many suspense writers seem prone to do after a few books. I'm going to have something published in the April/May Stampers Sampler. I don't know what yet but I got the email so I'm excited. My goal is to be the guest artist for a future issue. I have been slacking on sending submissions because I am the worst procrastinator but I'm trying to get on the ball. Oh and I wish I were in Spain. Specifically I would like to be lying on the beach on Ibiza um... with Fran Rivera. Ah now the fantasy is complete.


Loca, I will send LOTS of positive vibes your way.  I really hope you find what you are looking for.  Best of luck on your hubby's new business venture, and I really do hope you get to show us all the artiistic work you have had published...that would be cool.




Ever since I bought my new laptop, Call of Duty 4 and put the Internet, I have been playing online almost everyday looking to get away from my daily life.I love my family very much, but I don't get even 10 minutes to myself (7 days a week)without my wife or kids constantly asking me something, needing me for something, fighting, arguing, playing loudly and making messes.Things at work are ok, my only problem (which is only slightly bad) is that I work around mostly women (4 guys amongst 70 women) and anything I say is used against me and they tend to gang up on me.I am doing better with my finances, before I wasn't even paying my bills or I was behind 2 or 3 months, now I am only a couple of weeks behind on my bills so I am making progress.I could really use a vacation, actually go away for a few day, stay in a hotel and just enjoy not seeing anyone I know (besides my wife and kids), not knowing about work, not worrying about cooking, cleaning, fixing things; I just need to get away for a few days and I may consider using that "free money" the Gov't wants me to have(I seem to have incredible tolerance, patience and control not to lose my mind with the constant daily stress I endure, and I'm not even suffering from some kind of disease, physical impairment or age thank God).


Well, Charles, it really does seem like you are on overdrive.  Here is hoping that you get a break very soon.   We need to get away from it all sometimes.

on Mar 11, 2008


As Mari said, I'll be going to the Navy's Senior Musician's Course in August.  I'm of two minds about it, but the reason why is a bit detailed, so I'll spare you.  It was one of those things where I had to apply to be job competitive but I'd have been less than disappointed if I hadn't been selected.
Found out yesterday I made the Chief's board (again).  Every year we take a test.  Only some people do well enough to be considered for promotion.  I'm one of them.  The good of that is potentially more money if I'm promoted and the bad is that the selection results come out right when I'm starting the school in #1.  Selected Chiefs go through a bunch of initiation-like shenanigans prior to wearing the uniform of the new rank.  This means I'll be put in the uncomfortable position of having to tell them to stuff it - I have homework.
My chess game is coming along.  I'm usually involved in at least 4 different ongoing matches at any given time on chess.com.  It's a nice diversion that only takes up a lot of time if I let it.
Got a new guy in our rock band at work.  He's a perfect fit for the chemistry of the group...a good player, easy going, and has some vocal skills as well.
I got a kindle.  It's an overpriced e-book reader, but I got it because my friend Mark makes e-books for it which are free to me.  He also spends lots of time seeking out public domain stuff, and that saves me web surfing time.  I have about 300 books on it now.  It's a wonderful gadget.  Thanks, Mark.


Congrats on making the Chief's Board!  I'll admit I don't know exactly what that is, but it does sound pretty important. I think it's great that you are involved in music...I wish I would've put more effort into learning about music after I got out of college (I took a few music courses during this time...and they were some of my favorite classes).  I guess it's never too late.   I have no idea how to play chess...maybe I could have my sweetie teach me the basics sometime.



on Mar 11, 2008
I'm hoping for a season 3 marathon before the new season.

Season 3 is due out like March 12th or something.

Yeah, I forgot BSG, too. Man, I freakin' love that show. Easily my number 2.
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