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Published on July 2, 2007 By InBloom In Current Events
Well, the lauded iPhone is here. Did anyone get one?

I was seriously considering one. I don't have a cell phone right now and was looking into buying a quality one. However, there was this little issue I could not get past : the price.

I've actually been reading up on this phone this past weekend and have come across two interesting articles.

PC World's "The iPhone: Ten Things Apple Did Right, and Ten Things That Need Work"


It praises the phone for having wonderful things like picture quality, good video playback, and the cool fingertip navigation. However, it is critical on the phone being so "locked" down, comments how the camera on it isn't so great, and mentions it having "old" technology.

This article here is about the ripping apart of the iphone to see what makes it tick.

(From ifixit.com) Link

I don't know enough about technology to know if it's insides are technologically out of this world, but it was cool to take a peek into it. After reading this stuff--the good and the bad--I still don't know If I'd get one. Maybe something better will come along?

on Jul 02, 2007
I didn't, but two of my friends plan on getting one, later down the road after the hype is over. I heard about that video and wondered why someone would get the phone then tear it apart? It seems a waste of a perfectly good phone that could have gone to someone else who didn't luck out on getting it.
on Jul 02, 2007
I heard about that video and wondered why someone would get the phone then tear it apart? It seems a waste of a perfectly good phone that could have gone to someone else who didn't luck out on getting it.

Well, I guess if I were a die hard techie, I'd probably want to know what this thing was made of.
on Jul 02, 2007
Count me out.

I'm perfectly happy not using the slow-as-mud EDGE network, and AT&T's service just isn't that red hot. I'll wait until more reliable cell phone companies (such as my ever-beloved Nokia) decide to up the ante, as I'm sure they will.

Plus, I'll be able to use them with my current, T-Mobile network.
on Jul 02, 2007

Remember those commercials from the 70s?  The Ronco Widget-a-holic or whatever?  It sliced, it diced, it made julian fries, and shined your shoes, walked your dog and took the laundry out.

The 21st century version is the iPhone.  It is last year's technology (with some new stuff) bundled to do everything, and the market is saying no.  Blackberries are here.  Picture phones are here.  Newtons are here and gone.

And it is way over priced.

on Jul 02, 2007
I'll wait until more reliable cell phone companies (such as my ever-beloved Nokia) decide to up the ante, as I'm sure they will.

I am looking forward as well to what other companies will be bringing out.

Remember those commercials from the 70s? The Ronco Widget-a-holic or whatever? It sliced, it diced, it made julian fries, and shined your shoes, walked your dog and took the laundry out.The 21st century version is the iPhone.

Yep...it is alot rolled into one, isn't it...lol.

on Jul 03, 2007
I wouldn't get anything like this if I wasn't able to choose which service provider I want. I think it is incredibly presumptious of Apple (and typical too) that they have made it so to use these phones, you must be with AT&T. When these are released in Australia, I'm sure there will be a whole lot of folk who will jump at the chance of owning one but I won't be one of them.
on Jul 03, 2007
Nope and don't plan to get one.

What is good about not being able to make a phone call because you drained the battery (which can't be changed) because you were listening to music?

I prefer having different devices for different tasks. I kind of like my phone for making phone calls.
on Jul 03, 2007
The verdict is in . . .

Where Are The Dogs Humping.com
on Jul 06, 2007
Let's see, a battery that can't be removed, if it goes dead you have to send the whole phone in (at your expense), then charged $80 for them to charge the battery for you...

$1500 for a 2 year service plan.

$500 for the iPhone itself...

Not only won't I be getting one, I'll laugh at and mock anyone who does. ;~D
on Jul 06, 2007
$1500 for a 2 year service plan.

That's actually nothing compared to some plans.  My previous plan with Sprint was more actually.