It's only been a few days
It's not like the sun has permanently faded away,
Yet I feel the effect it has on my mood:
The sluggishness,
The bit of emptiness,
The lack of spunk.
Please peek out of the clouds...even if just for a bit of the day.
Don't play games with me...
Giving me a little glimpse,
And then going off to find your hiding place amongst condensation.
I'm not used to this.
Oh, don't get me wrong.
Rain is a beautiful thing.
It quenches the the thirst of this hot and dry place.
It brings a different view to our world here.
It is in awe that I watch the drops pelt down from they sky.
But your brightness...your dependable brightness...
It's what lets us thrive's what we are so accustomed to.
So, we sweat and perspire.
So, we whine and complain about the exhaustion you sometimes give us.
But that's what we have high cool for, that's what we have a freezer full of ice for.
We can hack it....
Just come back to us.
Maybe you can dim the light a bit, and not be as harsh as you have been these past few months, but by all means, come back to us...
Stay with us for a while....
Then maybe you can invite your friends, gray clouds and rain, to come back to visit us again soon...
So as long as they don't overstay their welcome.