Hope you enjoy my little bits of this and that. :) I can't promise they'll always be interesting. :)
So, if Hillary wins the Democratic nomination or wins the Presidency (god forbid for some of you), should I expect to hear her constantly being referred to as "b**tch" by the haters?

If people want to despise her, fine...you are in your right. But why do ppl always have to drag the b**tch word in when it comes to a powerful woman? Hmmm...maybe if I hear Barack Obama being called a d**k or Mitt Romney being called an a**hole on a regular basis, I'll see the fairness of the b**tch label.

For now, though, I'm not okay with it. Honestly, I hate the word.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 20, 2007
She was one when she was "First Lady" and I don't see any difference currently. I am glad that as a civilian I can say whatever I want about whomever is elected. Until Nov 1 I can't say much about the current administration, so I can only make fun of the other suck ups and criminals trying to get their party's nominations.

The fact that when her husband was in office, we weren't allowed to make any comments, jokes or statements about the completely amoral behavior in the Whitehouse under threat of courts martial or Non-Judicial punishment. (Even though the regulation only applies to Commissioned Officers) Since she has surrounded herself with the same folks, with the same Machiavellian attitudes, I figure she is an amoral power hungry B. The other words that could be used are much, much, worse.
on Sep 20, 2007
That is your opinion not fact.

A couple of examples to support my opinion, not so very long ago she tried to use some phony Southern accent (they refer to it now as Kentucky Fried Hillary) when speaking to an African American crowd. And she claimed to have babysat for immigrant workers in her neighborhood even though there were none in the area of Illinois where she grew up (park ridge)to appeal to immigrants.

But like you said, it's just my opinion.
on Sep 20, 2007
So when will Mrs. JillUser be running so I can actually vote for her?

Thanks but that's not a job I aspire to. I will leave it up to (hopefully) people who actually know how to run a country. I barely know how to run a household
on Sep 20, 2007
As far as the name-calling of Bush, I will admit that I have seen him called a liar or stupid but I haven't seen him called an a*hole or a d*ck.

You haven't been looking for it, then.

I think Hillary's attack machine has shown the character of the woman. So far EVERY campaign she has waged has engaged HEAVILY in negative campaigning. While candidates put distance between themselves and negative campaign, it's hard to ignore when it follows them everywhere they go.

I have no problem calling her e B*tch. NOT because she's a woman, but because of plans like MANDATED health care that would lead us further into a nanny state and further erode personal liberties the Constitution were designed to protect. Also because in her political career, I have seen NOTHING positive about the woman that would incline me to vote for her.

I don't believe a person's gender should subject them to harsher treatment, but I don't believe it should subject them to more lenient treatment either.
on Sep 20, 2007
The most obvious reason has been totally missed. It's simply a fun word to use. Short, direct, and just plain fun.
on Sep 20, 2007
The justifications for using this don't matter to me...I still don't like when a woman is referred to as such.

I know that for some women, the term is empowering, but not to me.

on Sep 21, 2007
...I still don't like when a woman is referred to as such.

Me neither! But everyone still use it, including me! Sorry Rose!
on Sep 21, 2007
So, if Hillary wins the Democratic nomination or wins the Presidency

I'm not into name-calling of any kind...but mental pictures..well maybe.

If Hillary wins, put a crown on her head and swear her in as the first American "tax and spend" queen. It'll be payback time and all her toadies will be bowing before her in the court of pay-back.
on Sep 21, 2007
Charles, do you call the other candidates that you disagree with their proposals demeaning and ugly names or do you just save that for the female candidate?

Let's see, well, maybe idiots, morons and fags; but I'm not sure there is a male term that equals the B word that sounds just as cool, as Mason put it. Nice try though Loca, making me sound like I go around calling all women b*tches. Far from it, I have much respect for women, I value and treasure all of them. But I can't help it when there are a few here and there who just lain deserve to have the B word added to their birth certificate, especially those who get pregnant over and over from several different men just because they too stupid to not have sex or use condom or take birth control pills or injections.

In Hillary's case, she's a hypocrite. If you wanna believe that she does not go around pandering to the current group of people in front of her, I don't care. I'm not the one living a blind life. I don't have to hear it from reporters, read in in the papers or even see it on blogs, I heard it straight from the horses mouth how she would say one thing in one Campaign speech and the say the complete opposite on another. I actually remember pointing that out in an article here before.

I'll say this, I'm wondering if your problem is more because you are a woman that it bothers you as oppose to because calling any woman a b*tch is not a nice thing to say. Kinda how Jesse Jackson said to Barack to stop acting white not because he was not being himself but because he was black.
on Sep 21, 2007
Bitch has had a lot of its insulting meaning stripped away from it. It's had a bit of a clean up over recent years. It's actually possible to take pride in being a bitch if the t-shirts and bumper stickers are to be believed.

So maybe Hillary's actually getting an easy ride by just being called a bitch - after all, it basically just means she's unfeminine and aggressive and therefore a worthy counterpart to her competitors.

Certainly it's better than being called a dick-nosed knob jockey a la Mr Bush.
on Sep 21, 2007
Certainly it's better than being called a dick-nosed knob jockey a la Mr Bush.

Please show that to Locamama as she cant find anyone who calls him such vulgar names.
on Sep 22, 2007
Just reposting a response I did on LW's blog, "I got your bitch right here":

I know that "bitch" has surpassed just being an insult to woman (I, too, hear men being referred to as bitches and hear the term "bitching" alot), but I guess for me, for the most part, it's always going to be a matter of disrespect when it's used on a woman.

I KNOW sometimes ppl can't help but think of a woman as a bitch when she's acting controlling, conniving, evil, etc. And I guess if you have the viewpoint that Hillary is controlling, conniving, evil, etc., then you are going to think of her this way. I just don't have this opinion of her. Thus, when I hear her being called a bitch, I just think it's coming from people who don't like that she, a woman, is in a position of power.

Even more bothersome than the Hillary thing is when I hear men just throw around the bitch label when it isn't even warranted. To them, a bitch is synonymous with "girl" or "women" or "lady." That definitely bothers me.

on Sep 22, 2007

If Hillary were male, they'd say "he" was an asshole or a dick.

Hillary is a loathsome person IMO.  The more I've read about her (even from sympathetic sources) the worse she sounds as a human being.

I would argue that the word bitch was invented by someone who foresaw the day of the arrival of Hillary.

Incidentally, unless you've been living in a cave, George W. Bush has been called far far worse on a regular basis than anything Hillary could ever expect to be called.  Feel free to visit www.smirkingchimp.com to see how Bush and conservatives get treated.

on Sep 22, 2007
This article will help show why when I refer to Hillary as a "bitch", it's a reference to her character, not her gender:

WWW Link
on Sep 22, 2007

Incidentally, unless you've been living in a cave, George W. Bush has been called far far worse on a regular basis than anything Hillary could ever expect to be called. Feel free to visit www.smirkingchimp.com to see how Bush and conservatives get treated.


Dont let Locamama's tender eyes see that stuff!  heaven forbid!

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