Hope you enjoy my little bits of this and that. :) I can't promise they'll always be interesting. :)
I've been on and off JoeUser lately (more off than on), and when I go even two or three days without browsing around, I feel like I've missed something. Maybe I've missed an important announcement (I do know of TW's upcoming bundle of joy, though!) , or lost out on a really good article...or missed some spontanous goings on. Yes, I guess I could backtrack, but I haven't had much opportunity to.
Ah, well...I doubt I'm the only one who goes through the "I don't have time/ I'm too busy / I have other things on my mind" phases.

Well, this is what I'm up to...I've been:

Doing lots of paperwork for my job, trying to get my laptop charger fixed (not working...had to borrow one, which sucks); curling up on the sofa watching and catching up on taped shows; grocery shopping, trying to exercise and cook dinners a couple of times a week; doing more paperwork,; staying late to tutor (I will be tutoring the next two Saturdays, believe it or not) or staying for meetings; putting together a new bedroom set.

Also, I've been participating in music boards and forums, attending family gatherings (cookouts, at home and restaurant dinners, etc.), catching up with bills; reading (have read three novels in the past month and a half); trying to control a face break out (it's gotten better...major problem isn't pimples, but just patches of redness and irritation); spending quality time with my honey.

I will stop here. To be honest with you, I have been super stressed out at work as well...you cannot believe the pressure of the Standardized Test. Oh, well, I am doing my best with it somehow...I shall not be defeated (at least that's what I'm hoping)!

How are you guys and gals, anyway?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 25, 2006
KFC ~~Just wanted to stop by and say hi. So.....HI!!Maybe now I can get to know you a bit better.....~~

Thanks for stopping in and getting to know me a bit better, KFC...nothing exciting or extremely interesting about what I wrote, but you are welcome to get to know even the boring details about me.

Dig~~Me and my injuries can vouch for that. ~~

Hey,now...I hurt myself more than I hurt you.
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